Thursday, December 29, 2011

Forgivness is the key

Without forgiveness life is governed by... an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.  ~Roberto Assagioli

New Year’s resolutions are all based on a desire to make a change.  A new year, a new life.   On January 1st, the intention is powerful, the motivation is strong…but within a few weeks or even days…that goal may seem unreachable and old habits return. Why does this happen?  What stops you from following through? 

Limiting beliefs.. those messages in your mind.. some real,  some imagined, become the roadblocks to moving forward in life, derailing actions that lead to unfulfilled goals.   A limiting belief, you hear it when the voice in your head speaks and that message stops you from following through.  Sometimes that voice is your own; the negative self talk, doubt and lack of confidence, and sometimes the voice is from your past. 

 Perhaps a fear of success or fear of the unknown is your roadblock.   These are natural feelings, yet not the most beneficial to you when your habits and behaviors are life threatening or affect your quality of life.  Behaviors like smoking, overeating, poor sleep patterns, or fears and anxieties limit you in so many ways.   Although you  can rationalize and tell yourself  that those limiting beliefs are non truths, unless you  forgive others and most importantly yourself,  chances are,  that message will continue to play non- stop and stop your tracks.   The mind is very powerful, your thoughts, intentional or not, not only influence your actions but affect you emotionally, physically and mentally.   You need to reduce stress, eliminate negative beliefs and change habits, which leads us back to your New Year’s resolution. 
Make a change, change your mind.   

Hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Technique are the strategies that will help "make that change" for a better life. 

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