Monday, June 20, 2011

The Rules

To lengthen your life, shorten your meals.  ~Proverb

Three small meals a day can make all the difference in the world when it comes to a healthy life.   Feeling full and enjoying every bite takes  conscious effort.  Do you really know how many calories you are consuming in one sitting or for that matter while you are watching TV or at the computer?  Research shows that minimal caloric intake can add years to your life... we are not talking about a restrictive diet..let's talk about a realistic plan.. eating the foods you enjoy... tasting the favors and pushing away from the table .. visualizing a smaller portion and knowing that you are not being deprived of anything.    Changing habits and setting realistic goals, that reinforce and encourage you to stay on task.. hypnosis is a powerful allows you to change habits.. and forgive and release limiting beliefs you may have when it comes to food and your self image

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